Our contacts with global leaders in the hospitality industry and deep domain knowledge enable hotel owners and investors to secure the best contract for the management of their property.
Our advisory services will provide the client with commercial and / or legal advice in respect of the design and construction of the several contracts involved in the management of a hotel by a professional management company.
Our goal is to help our clients to achieve optimal performance from their hospitality investment.
The typical deal structure is as follows:

Short-listing qualified operators based on the client requirements
Drafting a Concise RFP (Request for Proposal) outlining the client's objectives
Facilitating site visits and communication with client
Evaluation of proposals and selection of Operator
Structuring the MoU and finishing the deal


We understand the importance of a process based approach and believe in providing top quality consultancy services. Our people are our biggest strengths and they love to go the extra mile to understand your needs and provide you a completely customised solution.
The pillars working round the clock behind this advisory firm are all professionally qualified with a strong real estate background. This strong knowledge of the market standards and the new happenings help them to make a better background. This strong knowledge of the market standards and the new happenings help them to make a better offering to their clients.
Investor bank: The firm has a strong rapport with both the developer as well as the investor fraternity and can hence provide lucrative opportunities at the early stages of any project. The developers can leverage on our investors data bank to push early sales; and the investors can benefit by getting special deals before the formal launch of the project.